Self Introduction

Subject: Self Introduction of Mith

Dear Professor Blackstone, I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Mithran, but you can call me Mith. I'm a first-year student in the critical thinking and communicating module's class S20. Allow me to briefly introduce myself. I graduated with a Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic in 2022. My passion for aerospace was ignited by my love of travel, which has taken me to over 20 countries. I've only been to three of the seven continents, but seeing all seven of them is one of my life's dreams. Fueled by my passion, I decided to pursue a diploma in Aeronautical Engineering, which sparked a wider interest in engineering. I especially enjoyed the hands-on and technical aspects during various technical workshops and also my internship at an aerospace company. There, I contributed to solving various workshop issues, reinforcing my desire to pursue engineering as a long-term career. My ability to effectively provide and receive feedback is one of my communication strengths. Receiving constructive criticism promotes development, and being receptive to criticism demonstrates my adaptability. This fosters mutual respect and trust, creating a positive dynamic in both personal and professional settings. My communication problem—stuttering and excessive use of filler words—can hinder clear communication and make it difficult for me to express myself intelligibly. Using fillers like "um" or "like" can make my speech seem less confident, and stammering can make people hesitate. My main goal for this module is to overcome my stutter and use fewer filler words to speak more clearly. This will enable me to communicate with greater confidence and clarity to others when I express my ideas. Making deep connections with my peers is another one of my goals because it will improve teamwork and create a positive learning atmosphere. My driven mindset is what makes me unique. When I set a goal for myself, I strive to meet it and make the required sacrifices to see it through. My ability to maintain composure and concentration in the face of hardship is a testimony to my unwavering dedication to achieving my objectives. I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter, and I sincerely hope that this module will be a memorable one. Yours Sincerely, Mithran


  1. Hey Mith, I enjoyed reading your letter and getting to know you better. I agree that providing and receiving feedbacks help both parties improve! Thank you for the detailed and insightful words and I hope you will be able to explore all 7 continents one day!

  2. Wow moth I really love the way you express your interest in aerospace and your desire to travel to all the 7 continents. Overall it’s is a well written letter, but maybe you can provide an example to how you discovered your strength in communication, (eg. through project work, meeting and etc). Hope u can achieve your dream one day mithh!!

  3. Hi Mith! After meeting you in real life and reading this blog, I definitely couldn't tell that you had any issues with stuttering at all and I believe that you will be able to overcome this issue with ease in Prof Blackstone's classes. And like the above comments, I hope you will be able to achieve your dream of exploring all 7 continents in the future!

  4. Hey Mith, your introduction is very well organized and you've done a great job detailing your strengths and weaknesses. I can relate to your communication problem as I face the same one as well. Good job on the letter!

  5. Hey Mith, Thank you so much for your thoughtful letter. I really appreciated how detailed it was, especially when you shared your amazing experiences traveling to 20 different countries. I can totally relate to your love for travel—there’s something truly special about exploring new places. Looking forward to seeing you around in class!

  6. wow mith this is so inspiring! reading your self-introduction makes me want to travel around the world too, so heres wishing you all the best on achieving that dream!

    see you in class mith :)


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